Hrdayananda Dasa “Gosvami” Reaches New Lows

By Dakshinamurti Dasa

Hrdayananda Dasa “Gosvami”, the leader of the Neo-Pralambasuras, exhibits a persistent disregard for Krsna’s Vedic culture, a trait we’ve grown accustomed to, expecting him to play the role of a severed link in our spiritual lineage. However, he periodically manages to outdo even his own dismal standards, plumbing new depths that jolt our weary sensitivities. In the photograph below, he maintains his customary attire, a far cry from the garb expected of a sannyasi – the very asrama he claims to represent. If one lays claim to the sannyasi title, adherence to its accompanying principles should naturally ensue. Yet, he appears more like an ordinary fool than a practitioner of the sannyasa path. Regrettably, this is nothing new; it’s become his standard uniform. Attempting to shame someone devoid of shame is an exercise in futility. However, the latest nadir he’s reached is particularly egregious: he involves a woman in conducting the agni-homa (at least she is wearing a sari). This action not only defies dharma but also stands as a direct affront to the guru parampara.

The sastras explicitly bar females from performing agnihotra, signifying that while a sattvik wife of a brahmana may be respectfully bestowed with the title “brahmani,” she lacks the adhikara to undertake the occupational duties of a bona fide brahmana.

An unmarried girl, a youthful matron, an unread brahmana, one of small learning, one afflicted with disease, or uninitiated with the sacred thread must not perform the Agnihotra homa. For having cast such libations in the fire, these (unmarried girl, a youthful matron, etc.) shall go to hell, together with the person on whose behalf they do such fire-offerings; hence (only) a Brahmana well versed in the Vedas and in the art of performing such fire-offerings, shall act as a Hota (that is, offerer of the libation, or doer of the fire-offering.)

Manu Samhita 11.36-37


None of these, viz. , a maiden, a young woman, a person unacquainted with Mantras, an ignorant person, or one who is impure, is competent to pour libations on the sacrificial fire. If any of these do so he or she is sure to go to hell, with him on whose behalf they act. Therefore none but a Brahmana well-read in the Vedas and skilled in all sacrifices should pour sacrificial libations.

Mahābhārata 12.165.21-22


A Brahmana must never eat (a dinner given) at a sacrifice that is offered by one who is not a Srotriya, by one who sacrifices for a multitude of men, by a woman, or by a eunuch. When those persons offer sacrificial viands in the fire, it is unlucky for holy (men) it displeases the gods; let him therefore avoid it.

Manu Samhita 4.205-206.


A female shall not offer any oblations into the fire; nor a child that has not been initiated.

Āpastamba 2.15.17-18

Clearly, Hrdayananda Dasa “Gosvami”, the leader of the Neo-Pralambasuras, is an enemy of Lord Caitanya’s mission. When will the happy news arrive, informing us of his ex-communication from ISKCON, or of his passing? Thus putting an end to his assault on the dignity of our sampradaya. We pray to Lord Balarama to remove these neo-Pralambasuras from the face of the earth.

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Bhakta Das
Bhakta Das
August 31, 2023 12:44

RED EYE ANANDA is shameless. He claims to know shastra. But he does not follow guru, sadhu or shastra. Yet he is a bona fide representative of Lord Caitanya’s? Shame on the Iskcon leadership. 

September 1, 2023 19:00

It is surprising that someone who comes from academia (Hridayananda das Goswami) is not familiar with the knowledge of sastras on various topics related to Vedic philosophy and culture such as women not doing yajnas… Read more »