Turkish government quits ‘hijacked’ treaty aimed at preventing violence against women


Turkey has formally left an international treaty intended to prevent violence against women, months after announcing plans to exit the agreement over concerns it had been “hijacked” and was no longer compatible with family values.

The Istanbul Convention, which was agreed in 2011 and signed by 45 countries as well as the EU, committed the nations to work to prevent domestic abuse and promote equality within their borders. Turkey’s government claimed, however, that the agreement had been “hijacked” by individuals who were seeking to “normalize homosexuality,” making it incompatible with Ankara’s family values.

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At least the Turks understand that feminists are in league with LGBTQ.

Feminist activists claim that there were about 410 “femicides” in Turkey last year claiming that this indicates that Turks are murdering their women in record number and they need protection and special laws.

Hmmm But according to available data Turkey has a homicide rate of about 4.2 per 100,000 and it has a population of about 83 million people which means approximately 3500 people were murdered in Turkey last year. If we subtract the 410 “femicides” that means that about 3100 men were murdered.  This means that about 12% of the victims are female while 88% are male. Why no special laws to protect men when almost 8 times as many are killed? Why only special treatment for women? Why is it that only female lives are valued but not males? Something is not right. It would seem that these special laws were meant for some other (political?) purpose. What agenda could that be?

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